
We thank the following partners for funding support.


Polytechnic University of Bari is an Italian public University offering scientific and technological programmes. The Polytechnic forms perspective architects, engineers and industrial designers and issues academic qualifications such as three-year Degree courses (I level), two-year Degree courses (II level), five-year Degree courses, Ph.D.’s as well as I and II level Postgraduate courses.

Petaspin is an Italian association whose main missions are:
(i) to support scientific research in many fields of engineering and applied physics, related to magnetism and spintronics
(ii) to support a Global Value Chain for the technological transfer of spintronic technology
(iii) to support the free dissemination of scientific results through conferences and meetings, also organized in collaboration with other institutions and associations.

Qnami is a VC-backed high-tech company with its roots at the Physics Department of the University of Basel in Switzerland. It develops fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control of the state of a single electron enables measurement with a precision that could never be achieved before. The technique is called quantum sensing and Qnami is enthusiastically developing it to improve people’s lives and the world. Extensive academic research and deep knowledge build the ground for all that Qnami does. With this technology, Qnami is redefining the common understanding of precision. Qnami offers an open team culture of mutual respect and intercultural understanding which is both business and scientific minded. Qnami attracts young, multicultural, open and skilled team members, who have a deep passion for the work.
The Quantum Design are a leading European distributor of high-quality scientific instruments and components. They offer components and systems used in materials science, imaging, spectroscopy, photonics, nanotechnology and life science research. 

Qnami and Quantum Design will be present at TMAG 2025 with a stand and a representative.

The IEEE Magnetics Society promotes the advancement of science, technology, applications and training in magnetism. It fosters presentation and exchange of information among its members and within the global technical community, including education and training of young engineers and scientists. It seeks to nurture positive interactions between all national and regional societies acting in the field of magnetism. The Society maintains the highest standard of professionalism and technical competency.

Research projects (sponsors):

SkySens will aim at designing a new sensor concept based on magnetic skyrmions to measure temperature. This goal will be achieved by combining new fundamental understanding on thermal-driven dynamics (from skyrmions in thin films to magnetic solitons in the non-explored field of 3D materials) and the experimental stabilization and detection of skyrmions in MTJs. Beyond the project goal, the results of SkySens will motivate additional research in the community to envisage new device functionalities which can impact the broad and mutually-interacting fields of IoT, sensing, computing, and AI.
MMagyc will establish a new research direction designing functionalities of magnetic and elastic coupled array of MTJs to propose a new generation of nanoscale MTJ-based accelerometers and gyroscopes as well as reservoirs for reservoir computing paradigms, device concepts useful for a broad range of technological applications.

Other sponsors: