
Papers Related to Trends in Magnetism Conference 2023 in IEEE Magnetics Letters

You may submit a five-page (maximum) paper, whether contributed or invited, for publication in IEEE Magnetics Letters (IML) any time after acceptance for presentation at the conference until 16 October 2025. If you are giving an invited talk, your article should not be a review; rather, it should contain mostly new results, as is appropriate for a letters journal. Templates are available at <>. 

The regular editors will manage the review process. If your article is accepted, it will be published on-line, in preprint form, immediately after full peer review and your revisions. Several weeks later, it will appear as fully edited and typeset. Each paper will have its own article number and its own dates of submission and publication. IML is known for providing authors with helpful reviews, excellent copy editing of language, careful preparation of reference lists, and short times from submission to publication.

Accepted articles will have a footnote, “Trends in Magnetism Conference, Bari, Italy, 1-5 September 2025.” Except for the footnote, the format of your article will be indistinguishable from that of any other IML article. It will not be part of a conference proceedings. There is no charge for regular publication; open-access publication is available for a charge.

The URL for article submission is  In the section “Article Type” of the Progress Board of the submission process, please select the subject area closest to that of your article. In the section “Additional Information”, under Conference-Related Articles, please select “TIMC – Trends in Magnetism Conference.” 

The IML website for published articles is <>IML is tracked by all major indexing services, including Web of Science and Scopus.

NEW: At their option, accepted authors may publish their conference videos along with their papers in IML. As an example from another IEEE journal, please see Simply include your video as a supplemental file when you upload your final, accepted manuscript. The IML editor who managed the reviews of your paper will check your video for appropriateness.Note: One of the steps in the IEEE electronic copyright form says, “Indicate whether IEEE has permission to use video and audio recordings of your conference presentation.” This does not transfer copyright of your video to IEEE; it simply allows IEEE to post your video.