The consortium includes groups having unique expertise and competences that are exhaustive and cover every aspect necessary for the implementation of the project within the scheduled time. In the last 25 years, INGV has been working in diagnostic image processing aimed at characterizing underground features in the field of natural hazard mitigation, environmental and national security. These skills are key to the implementation of the software engine. In addition, INGV has developed about two decades of experience in the implementation and management of databases. UNICT has a strong background in computer engineering and security, with a key role in engineering the software engine and supporting the DB implementation for the security aspects. UNIME has two soils, one is expert in numerical methods and algorithm optimization, including CUDA programming, and has experience in GUI design and implementation, skill maturated in the field of spintronics. The second is composed by radiologists which will also benchmark the software before the beta release and cure all the clinical aspects. In addition, the consortium has already collaborated in different projects ranging from signal processing, spintronics and seismic applications, experience which will speed up the coordination and implementation of all the activities. The collaborative effort of the 3 institutions participating to the proposal represents an excellent example of integrated multidisciplinary approach towards an innovation technology with high societal impact.