
“Magneto-mechanical accelerometers, gyroscopes and computing based on nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions (MMagyc)”

Project funded by Ministero Uinversità e Ricerca (MIUR) with the call PRIN 2022 Prot. 20225YF2S4

Project Abstract

MMagyc will establish a new research direction designing functionalities of magnetic and elastic coupled array of MTJs to propose a new generation of nanoscale MTJ-based accelerometers and gyroscopes as well as reservoirs for reservoir computing paradigms, device concepts useful for a broad range of technological applications.

We expect that the results of MMagyc will also inspire interdisciplinary research between the two very active Italian research communities of applied mechanics and magnetism.

The aim is to create a complete route map from theoretical idea thought a experimental and analytical simulation to create a product (demonstrator).

To this aim we have set a proper dissemination plan and will create a common language with a rich training program as discussed in the dissemination section.